birds New Mexico

Cooper’s Hawk nest

Cooper’s Hawks build a nest in this tree every year. Last year there were 5 babies, and this year there are four. The tree doesn’t look very healthy, so I don’t know what will happen next year. While I was taking pictures the Mother flew in to feed the babies, so we got to see them eat, although we didn’t know of what the meal consisted. We have seen last years Cooper’s hawk babies in our yard, one time one was trying to carry off a bird!

Baby Cooper’s Hawk nest with one trying out his wings!

Yes this is another departure from Circumnavigation of Australia, but I decided to post this picture taken just a few miles from home. Coopers Hawks build a nest in this tree every year. Last year there were 5 babies, and this year there are four. The tree doesn’t look very healthy, so I don’t know what will happen next year. While I was taking pictures the Mother flew in to feed the babies, so we got to see them eat. We have seen last years Coopers hawk babies in our yard, one time one was trying to carry off a bird! He dropped it at first but I think came back to get it.
Since we have lots of bird feeders in our yard we aren’t always happy to see a hawk in the yard.

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One reply on “Cooper’s Hawk nest”

Great shot, Doris!!! Thank you for sharing. I checked them out last time I drove by. Could see they were getting big. Soon they will be in our yards! I wish they would get a few bunnies that are eating my flowers out front.


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